Half Marathon charity place terms and conditions
Terms and Conditions
2024 Royal Parks Half Marathon for The Royal Parks
Sunday 13 October, London
Key words in this document for reference:
The Event = The Royal Parks Half Marathon – 13 October 2024
The Charity = The Royal Parks / The Royal Parks charity
The Event Owner = The Royals Parks Half Marathon Team
The Event Delivery Partner = London Marathon Events Ltd
The Royal Parks charity’s Challenge Events Team (challenges@royalpraks.org.uk)
manage all runners who support and fundraise for The Royal Parks charity via the
Royal Parks Half Marathon event. Your £350 minimum sponsorship will go to The
Royal Parks charity to protect and manage London’s eight beautiful Royal Parks.
Your fundraising WILL NOT go to a different charity.
Please note The Royal Parks Challenge Events Team are not the event organisers – they do not manage the organisation and delivery of race day and do not have access to the event organiser’s emails, databases or systems. They do not organise or manage the Royal Parks Half Marathon public ballot either.
However, the Challenge Event’s Team do manage all runners who have won a race place through the Royal Parks Half Marathon ballot and have chosen to use their race place to run and fundraise for The Royal Parks charity.
The Royal Parks Half Marathon Event Owner and Event Delivery Partner oversee the organisation and delivery of race day. Please email the event organisers via info@royalparkshalf.com if you have any queries regarding your race bib, race number, race route, your chip time, baggage drop, road closure or media queries. Please note the event organisers do not have a phone number.
Please also email the event organisers via info@royalparkshalf.com if you are a charity looking to buy charity places in the race, a fundraiser who is running for a different charity (or wanting to run for a different charity), or if you’re ballot place runner (who isn’t using their place to run and fundraise for any charity at all).
Please note this document is not the Royal Parks Half Marathon Event Organiser’s
T&Cs; it is The Royal Parks charity’s Challenge Events Team’s T&Cs for all participants in the race who are running and fundraising for The Royal Parks charity through the 2024 Royal Parks Half Marathon event. If you would like the Event Organiser’s T&Cs, please email info@royalparkshalf.com.
If I am accepted for a charity place in the 2024 Royal Parks Half Marathon, which is provided to me by The Royal Parks charity, I agree the following:
Safe email list & important phone number
1. I will ensure challenges@royalparks.org.uk and info@royalparkshalf.com are on my safe email list so I don’t miss any important sponsorship and race information from The Royal Parks charity and the Royal Parks Half Marathon event organisers, respectively. Failure to do so may result in important information going straight into my spam/junk folder.
2. I understand The Royal Parks charity may contact me about my sponsorship
and race day via email from challenges@royalparks.co.uk, or they may call
me on the number I’ve provided on my application from, leave me a
voicemail or text me from 0300 061 2084 / 07970848018. I will respond to The Royal Parks charity as soon as I can. If The Royal Parks charity do not hear back from me for a significant period of time after trying to contact me several times, I acknowledge this can result in The Royal Parks charity
withdrawing my charity place from the event.
3. I understand I will receive Team Newsletters and Team Emails with fundraising tips and information about the Event from The Royal Parks charity. I also understand these are not marketing communications and they are sent to all runners to support us in our Royal Park Half Marathon race journey.
Updates to this Terms & Conditions document
4. I agree to any updates made to this Terms & Conditions document after I submit my application form and I understand The Royal Parks charity will inform me of any updates.
Registration and participation
5. I will email challenges@royalparks.org.uk or call 0300 061 2084 for clarity
before submitting my 2024 Royal Parks Half Marathon application form if any
information in this T&Cs document is not clear and / or if any information
regarding the Event or my sponsorship is not clear.
6. I understand the minimum sponsorship of £350 (excluding Gift Aid &
Registration Fee) will go to The Royal Parks charity – it will not go to a different
charity. If I accidentally send the funds to a different charity, I will request for
the minimum sponsorship amount (from the total funds raised) to be
transferred to The Royal Parks charity, as I have registered and obtained the
race place through The Royal Parks charity, not the other charity.
7. I will be aged 17 years or over on the date of the Event.
8. I will pay a non-refundable registration fee of £30 to secure my charity race
9. I understand to participate in the Event, I must complete all registration
instructions set out by The Royal Parks charity, including the Event Organiser’s
short online registration which will be sent to me by an automated web link.
Failure to complete all Event registration instructions by any applicable
deadline may mean I am unable to participate in the Event.
10. I understand The Royal Parks charity has the right to refuse registration or
application for a charity place in the Event without providing reasons for
doing so and at any time.
11. I acknowledge I cannot swap, sell or transfer my charity place in the Event or
allow anyone else to participate on my behalf or under my name.
12. Once I’ve chosen a running vest size and/or a personalised name for the vest,
I understand if The Royal Parks charity has already placed an order to their
supplier, I cannot request for another running vest in a different size, or a
different name personalised on it.
13. I will keep The Royal Parks informed of any changes to my contact details by
emailing challenges@royalparks.org.uk or calling 0300 061 2084.
14. I understand I will receive my running vest and information about race day
from The Royal Parks charity by 1st week of October 2024.
15. I understand the Royal Parks Half Marathon event organisers wilI send me
information about the event and my race time, race bib & race pack by 30
September 2024. If I don’t receive it by this date, I will immediately email
Registration Fee, Minimum Sponsorship Target, Fundraising Page
Event Date: Sunday 13 October 2024
Minimum Sponsorship Target: £350 (excl. Gift Aid & Reg Fee)
Registration Fee: £30 (Non-refundable)
Registration Deadline: Friday 30 August 2024
Sponsorship Deadline: Wednesday 13 November 2024 (1 month after race
16. Within 3 working days of being offered a charity place in the Event, I will:
a) pay my £30 registration fee (non-refundable) via the web link sent to me
by The Royal Parks charity.
b) set up my fundraising page via the web link sent to me by The Royal Parks
charity. I will choose ‘The Royal Parks’ charity as my chosen charity for my
fundraising page. I will then email my fundraising page web link to The
Royal Parks charity to challenges@royalparks.org.uk. If I am donating my
sponsorship (instead of fundraising), I will inform The Royal Parks charity by
emailing challenges@royalparks.org.uk.
c) complete my short online registration via the web link sent to me by the
Event Organisers (and check my junk/spam folder for this email)
17. I pledge to fundraise/donate raise a minimum sponsorship of £350 for The
Royal Parks charity (excluding gift aid and registration fee) through my
participation in the Event and understand it is the aim of this Event to raise as
much above this amount as possible.
18. I understand Matched Giving (e.g. from my employer) can be included in my
sponsorship amount to help me reach my minimum sponsorship target. I will
email challenges@royalparks.org.uk for further information on how to send this
to The Royal Parks charity.
19. I pledge to fundraise/donate £100 (excluding Gift Aid & Registration Fee) of
my minimum sponsorship total to The Royal Parks by 31 July 2024 to show my
commitment to the charity place, failure to do so can result in The Royal Parks
charity withdrawing my charity place from the event.
20. If I join the Team on or after 5 July 2024, I pledge to fundraise/donate £100
(excluding Gift Aid & Registration Fee) of my minimum sponsorship total to The
Royal Parks within 4 weeks of me paying my registration fee; failure to do so
can result in The Royal Parks charity withdrawing my charity place from the
21. I will fundraise/donate at least 80% of my minimum sponsorship target by race
day (Sunday 13 October 2024) and I will fundraise/donate 100% of my
minimum sponsorship target by the sponsorship deadline date one month
after race day (Wednesday 13 November 2024). If I am donating my
sponsorship, I understand I can do donate the entire sponsorship together or
in instalments by 13 November 2024.
22. If I or my friends/family decide to donate part of my minimum sponsorship or
my entire minimum sponsorship (instead of fundraising), I will email
challenges@royalparks.org.uk for further information on how to send the
sponsorship / donation(s) to The Royal Parks charity.
23. If I have any cash fundraising, donations or matched giving (e.g. from my
employer), I will email challenges@royalparks.org.uk for further information on
how to send this to The Royal Parks charity.
24. I understand that if I split my fundraising between The Royal Parks charity and
other charities on my fundraising page (or any other
donation/sponsorship/payment platforms), the portion of the split going to The
Royal Parks charity must be a minimum sponsorship of £350 (excluding Gift
Aid and Registration Fee) as I have registered and obtained my charity place
in the race through The Royal Parks charity.
25. The Royal Parks charity may ask for a fundraising plan at any point after
registration in the Event and I will provide a detailed plan.
26. If at any point I feel I’m not on track to raise the minimum sponsorship target
of £350 (excluding Gift Aid & Registration Fee), I will call 0300 061 2084 or email
challenges@royalparks.org.uk for support with my fundraising plans.
27. If I am fundraising my minimum sponsorship target (instead of donating it), I
understand the purpose of JustGiving (and any donation platform) is to
facilitate raising my sponsorship by acting as a payment platform. I
understand JustGiving do not manage the race places on behalf of the
Royal Parks Half Marathon event organisers in the Event or The Royal Parks
charity, and they do not have access to the event organiser’s or The Royal
Parks charity’s system, databases or emails. I understand it is my responsibility
to set up my fundraising page so all funds raised got to The Royal Parks charity
(as I have registered in the Event to run for them). I understand it is my
responsibility to promote the page to reach my £350 minimum sponsorship
target, and in the event I’m having difficulties raising the funds, to seek
fundraising support from The Royal Parks charity by emailing
Not reaching your £350 minimum sponsorship target
28. I understand that if the sum of £350 (excl. Gift Aid and Reg Fee) has not been
raised by the sponsorship deadline date (Wednesday 13 November 2024), I
will either:
a) Pay the balance from my own personal funds by this date, or in instalments
by a mutually agreed date with The Royal Parks charity
b) Fundraise the balance by a mutually agreed date with The Royal Parks
charity (and acknowledge The Royal Parks charity will be more than
happy to provide help with my fundraising plans).
29. I understand The Royal Parks is a charity and the main purpose for the charity
offering this running event to supporters, like myself, is so we can use it to run,
fundraise for and raise awareness of The Royal Parks charity and the work
they do to protect and conserve London’s eight Royal Parks for visitors and
future generations.
30. I understand The Royal Parks charity’s Challenge Events Team obtains race
places from the Event Owner and offer it to fundraisers such as myself. I
understand if I run in the race and do not fundraise, it will cost The Royal Parks
charity money for obtaining the place in the race for me in addition to
costing the charity for buying a running vest for me and packaging it &
posting it to me.
31. I understand if I don’t fundraise the minimum sponsorship target, it will be a
loss of budgeted fundraising income to the charity which could have been
raised in full by another applicant.
32. I understand The Royal Parks charity can track my participation in the race
via the event race app – I understand if I run in the race and do not fundraise
for The Royal Parks charity at all by the sponsorship deadline or by a mutually
agreed date with The Royal Parks charity, I will be ‘black listed’ from
participating in all future challenge events held by The Royal Parks charity’s
Challenge Events Team.
Terms of withdrawal
33. I will inform The Royal Parks charity immediately if I am unable to take part in
the Event by emailing challenges@royalparks.org.uk.
34. I understand if I contact the Event Delivery Partner via
info@royalparkshalf.com about my withdrawal and don’t inform The Royal
Parks charity’s Challenge Events Team via challenges@royalparks.org.uk, The
Royal Parks charity’s Challenge Events Team will not be aware of my
35. If I withdraw for any reason prior to race day or on race day, any monies
raised before, on or after race day will be non-refundable and will be treated
as a donation to The Royal Parks charity.
36. If I withdraw from the race, and do not request a deferral of my charity place
to the 2025 Royal Parks Half Marathon, and once my withdrawal is
acknowledged by The Royal Parks charity, I will not be liable to raise any
further sponsorship.
Terms of deferral
37. If I want to drop out of the 2024 Royal Parks Half Marathon and defer my
charity race place to the 2025 Royal Parks Half Marathon instead, I will email
challenges@royalparks.org.uk. If my deferral is approved, The Royal Parks
charity will send me an official ‘Terms of Deferral’ agreement via email with
further instructions; this agreement and all instructions must be completed or
else my registration for the 2024 race will remain incomplete.
38. If I withdraw from the 2024 Royal Parks Half Marathon and want to defer my
charity place in the race to the 2025 Royal Parks Half Marathon event:
a) I understand I can defer my charity only once to the following race year
(after which I will need to formally re-apply if I want to run and fundraise
for The Royal Parks charity through the Royal Parks Half Marathon event).
a) I won’t need to pay another registration fee for the 2025 Royal Parks Half
Marathon (assuming I have paid a registration fee for the 2024 event)
b) I will fundraise/donate £100 of my original £350 minimum sponsorship (excl.
Gift Aid and Reg Fee) by 1st December 2025 to show my commitment to
the deferred charity place (if I haven’t already raised this amount).
c) I will fundraise/donate 80% of my original sponsorship (excl. Gift Aid & Reg
Fee) by the 2025 Royal Parks Half Marathon race day and 100% of my
original sponsorship (excluding Gift Aid and Reg Fee) by the sponsorship
deadline one month after race day (both dates will be confirmed in my
official ‘Terms of Deferral’ email from The Royal Parks charity).
d) I will confirm with The Royal Parks charity whether I am fundraising or
donating my sponsorship.
Donations and payment terms
39. I will not post any cash to The Royal Parks charity.
40. Once a donation has been made on a platform other than an online giving
page (e.g. Bank Transfer, Direct Donation Link, Cheques etc), I will email
challenges@royalparks.org.uk with my payment date and payment method
(and payment reference, if applicable) so The Royal Parks charity can
confirm receipt with me. I understand if I don’t inform The Royal Parks charity,
they will not be aware of this donation and it will not be accounted for.
41. I will regularly pay all money collected on behalf of The Royal Parks charity by
the following means:
a. Via an online giving platform link sent to me by The Royal Parks charity.
b. Via the donation web link sent to me by The Royal Parks charity.
c. To the Royal Parks charity’s bank account using the bank details sent
to me by The Royal Parks charity.
The Royal Park charity is a registered charity (No. 1172042) and a
company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales no.
10016100 (VAT No. 261 4640 19).
d. Via cheque, CAF vouchers and Charities trust vouchers made
payable to ‘The Royal Parks’ and posted addressed to:
Ummi Kamal
Challenge Events Officer
The Royal Parks
Old Police House,
Hyde Park,
W2 2UH
e. By credit or debit card donations made by contacting The Royal
Parks charity. Please email challenges@royalparks.org.uk for further
43. If I require a sponsorship form, I will email challenges@royalparks.org.uk and
request for a sponsorship form. I will return the completed sponsorship form by the
sponsorship deadline date on Wednesday 13 November 2024 (1 month after race
44. If I am eligible for Gift Aid on my offline fundraising (i.e. all funds which are not
raised on an online giving platform like JustGiving), I will email
challenges@royalparks.org.uk and request for a Gift Aid Form to reclaim Gift Aid
on top of my donation/sponsorship. I will not use any other type of sponsorship
45. I agree that Gift Aid payments cannot count towards my minimum
fundraising/sponsorship target, and instead, will be considered as over and
above the pledged fundraising total.
46. I agree all sponsorship, including matched giving and donations made by friends
and family, will not be returned to me if the Event is cancelled or I do not
complete the Event, and instead will be treated as a donation to The Royal Parks
47. I will send The Royal Parks charity my completed sponsor forms with details of the
names and addresses of all sponsors, and the amount donated or pledged by all
sponsors no later than four weeks after the Event. This will allow The Royal Parks
charity to process gift aid on donations.
Fundraising terms
48. I will collect money only on behalf of The Royal Parks charity in connection
with the Event.
49. I will use only lawful means to fundraise for The Royal Parks charity and will
not do anything that harms or is likely to harm The Royal Parks charity’s
50. I will not use The Royal Parks charity’s logo without permission, and I will
obtain all permissions and branded fundraising materials from The Royal
Parks charity.
51. My fundraising will not include:
a. Raising funds by carrying out door-to-door, unsolicited or street collections
b. Conducting any raffle or lottery or putting on any public Event without first
contacting The Royal Parks charity and taking any steps, which The Royal
Parks charity require
c. Collecting in private places without first obtaining the permission of the
d. Collecting in public places without first obtaining the appropriate
collector’s license from the local authority
52. I agree that Gift Aid payments cannot count towards the fundraising
pledge and instead will be considered as over and above the pledged
fundraising total.
Personal data and images
53. I consent to being filmed/photographed by The Royal Parks charity or
someone contracted by The Royal Parks charity in relation to this Event.
The rights to such video footage or photographs will be The Royal Parks
charity. I give permission for the free use of my name, picture, image,
feedback and comments in any future publicity, advertising, fundraising
materials and/or promotion in perpetuity.
54. If I have children under 18 years old and they are present in the Event
area on race day, I acknowledge there will be photographers and
videographers in the entire Event area for the duration for the Event and
my children may be filmed or photographed at the Event; I consent for
them to be filmed/photographed by The Royal Parks charity or someone
contracted by The Royal Parks in relation to this Event. The rights to such
footage or photographs will be The Royal Parks charity. I give permission
for the free use of their name, picture, image, feedback and comments in
any future publicity, advertising, fundraising materials and/or promotion in
perpetuity. If I want to withdraw consent, I will immediately email
55. I give permission for my personal information to be stored and used by The
Royal Parks charity in connection with the organisation, promotion and
administration of this Event, and any other Events or promotions offered by
The Royal Parks charity.
56. I give permission for my personal information to be passed on to the Event
Delivery Partner and Event Owner by The Royal Parks charity for the
purposes of the organisation, promotion and administration of this Event.
57. Further information on how The Royal Parks charity use and store my data
is available to view on The Royal Parks charity’s website within their Privacy
Health, safety and fitness
58. I agree to have my identification ready on race day.
59. I will follow rules and instructions by The Royal Parks charity’s staff, the
Royal Parks Half Marathon event organisers and members of authority as
required on race day.
60. I take part in the Event at my own risk and will not hold The Royal Parks
charity or any connected persons responsible for any accident, injury,
illness or loss sustained to the fullest extent possible in law.
61. I agree The Royal Parks charity will not be held liable for any accident,
injury or loss to my spectators, friends and/or family members on race day
and that they watch at their own risk.
62. I will fully prepare myself for the physical challenge of the Event and I will
check with my doctor to ensure that I am medically fit to participate in the
63. I understand that any medical or personal information I provide to The
Royal Parks charity may be used to treat or assist me in the event I am
taken ill or sustain an injury during the Event.
64. I understand that this Event is organised by The Royal Parks Half Marathon
Team and London Marathon Events Ltd who are responsible for the
conduct and operation of the Event, including all health and safety
requirements. I will read the Terms and Conditions for the Event and will
comply with any specific Event rules given by them.
65. I understand any prize offered to The Royal Parks charity’s team of Royal Parks
Half Marathon runners is subject to:
- Runners reaching the stated sponsorship target in a timely manner as outlined
by The Royal Parks charity in their communications during the race year.
- Once a prize has been offered, it must be claimed within 10 calendar days, or
the prize offer will become invalid.
- The prize winners will be emailed from challenges@royalparks.org.uk and it is
the responsibility of all runners to ensure challenges@royalparks.org.uk is on
their safe email list to ensure they receive updates about any prize offers. If
emails from The Royal Parks charity regarding prizes goes to a prize winner’s
junk/spam Inbox and the winner does not claim their prize within 10 calendar
days, the prize offer will be invalid.