Other ways to support The Royal Parks charity
We’ve come up with some easy ways to support the Royal Parks at no extra cost, just by living life the way you normally do.
Quick and easy ways to support us
We want to make giving to The Royal Parks as easy as possible. Every time you spend with any of the organisations below, a small amount will go to The Royal Parks charity.
So if your to-do list today includes sending a birthday card, recycling your old print cartridges, taking that unworn jacket to the charity shop or endless online searches for work, we can help – and you can help us.
You can get all of those jobs done and dusted – and donate to The Royal Parks as you do it.
With the organisations below, the giving is easy.
Shopping schemes

Sign up for a free account with giveasyoulive.com and you can raise money for The Royal Parks whenever you shop online. So you’re giving as well as getting – whether you’re doing your weekly online shop or booking holiday flights.
You’re just three steps away from starting to Give as you Live.
Want to get set up? Click here.

The Giving Machine takes the principle of shop and donate one step further. Each day, The Giving Machine offers a Bonus Donation which means even more funds for your favourite charity (us). Look out for the Bonus Donation banner whenever you’re on the site. Even if you just browse but don’t buy, you’ll still be raising money for us!
As with the other two schemes, you can fundraise through The Giving Machine in three easy steps.
Want to get set up? Click here.

If you can’t see the place you want to shop at on either The Giving Machine or Give As You Live, then check out easyfundraising.
Easyfundraising is just another option to shop at your favourite store and donate at the same time. So, whether it’s for your weekly shop, a new pair of boots or a weekend in the country – book it or buy it with easyfundraising, and donate as you do!
You’re just three steps away from easyfundraising.
Want to get set up? Click here

Savoo works a little differently to the other shopping schemes listed here, but it is just as simple to use.
Savoo offers shoppers a range of discount codes and deals but even better than that, every time you use one of their codes to grab yourself a bargain, they donate to charity at no extra cost to you. So not only can you save yourself money, but you can also facilitate a donation to The Royal Parks at the same time!
Gift as you send a greetings card

Love sending cards, but trying to go paper-free? Send custom e-cards for any occasion, and you can donate the cost of a paper card and the postage to The Royal Parks. It’s easy, and environmentally friendly – visit dontsendmeacard, set up your account, and you can start sending e-cards right away.

We understand that for some occasions, sending an e-card doesn’t feel quite right. If that’s the case, our partner Making a Difference, may be able to help.
Through Making A Difference, every card you buy guarantees a minimum donation of £1 to The Royal Parks charity. Making A Difference carries a wide range of paper cards, and e-cards which you can personalise.
There’s also a gift option, which means you can make a donation to us as a special gift on someone’s behalf. A gift, a card and donation, all in one place.
Visit gb.makingadifference.cards, to set up an account and start making a difference.
Gift as you recycle

If you’re still using a printer on a daily basis – and many people have to as part of their job – you’ll be only too aware how fast you can get through ink cartridges. Now you can recycle used cartridges through Recycle 4 Charity and raise funds for the Royal Parks.
Find out how to get started here.

Had a clear out recently and need to get rid of all that clutter? We’ve partnered with Recycling for Good Causes so you can pass on lots of items, from watches and jewellery, to cameras, games consoles, old mobiles, sat navs and MP3 players, those stashes of old coins and currency from past holidays to – unbelievably! – used stamps!
The Recycling for Good Causes team assess and value your unwanted items and donate 75% of the profits to us.
Recycling for Good Causes is quick and easy, and we’d love your support.
Set up your account here.
Financial giving

Have you got a handful of shares that you can’t do anything with because it’ll cost more to cash them in than they’re worth? If so, you could donate them to the share donation charity ShareGift, who can turn them into gifts to a wide range of charities, including us.
ShareGift accepts donations of absolutely any size. They put packages of shares together that are large enough to sell and donate the money to charities. They decide who to help based on suggestions from their donors. So if you donate shares, and mention us, we’d be very grateful.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can claim income tax relief on the value of most stocks and securities when you donate them to a charity. In addition, donating shares charitably is excluded from Capital Gains Tax (CGT).
Got some shares to give away? ShareGift go to www.sharegift.org.
Gift as you search online

How many online searches do you do a day? Did you know that you could be earning rewards with every search you make?
With Microsoft Rewards, you can earn points when you use Bing.com. It’s totally free to all Microsoft users. Then you donate your points to us. Every search earns points, and points turn into pounds.
To start donating points to The Royal Parks, click here to get started.
For more information on Microsoft Rewards, click here.
Nominate us

Benefact Group is a group of specialist financial services and businesses who come together to give all available profits to charity and good causes.
Every year, Benefact Group runs its Movement for Good giving programme. This works through nominations – anyone can nominate a charity of their choice to receive a donation of up to £1,000.
Last year, they gave over £1million to worthy causes, and this year, we’re hoping that The Royal Parks could be one of them. Please would you consider nominating us?
To nominate The Royal Parks for a donation click here.