Publication scheme
Bodies subject to the Freedom of Information Act are required to have a publication scheme, which makes information available to the public about how it operates.
You don’t need to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request for information published on our website.
The Royal Parks publication scheme
You will find information that has been proactively released by The Royal Parks under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Most of the information covered by this scheme will be made available on this website. If you need information in an alternative format, we will do all we reasonably can to help.
Who we are and what we do
Most of this information can be found on our website in the footer menu area.
- Information about our Board of Trustees and Senior Management Team - The leadership team
- Our Charitable Objects and the legislation and governance which apply to us - The Royal Parks charity Parks
- Our rules on procurement - Procurement
- Our publications - Publications & policies
- Our Business Plans and Annual Reports - Publications & policies
- Our careers policy - Careers
How we manage the parks
- Park management plans - Park management plans
- Legislation and regulations - Park regulations, legislation and policies
- Strategies - Park strategies
- Conservation - Biodiversity & conservation
- Consultations
- Policing - Policing & safety
What we spend and how we spend it
The Royal Parks is a charity that receives a limited amount of public money. Our annual reports contain details on how the money we generate and receive is spent in order to maintain the parks. (see ‘Our Publications’ above).
There is no charge for using our website. See note on copyright below.
For physical copies of any information on our website where available, please use the form at get in touch.
Guidance will be provided where charges may apply for publications.
Before making an FOI request, it is worth checking to see if the information is already available via our website. If you cannot find the information you require after searching there, you may have to submit a request for information.
This should be submitted in writing to:
The Royal Parks
The Old Police House
Hyde Park
W2 2UH
Or by Email: records@royalparks.org.uk
Be specific
You will get the information faster if you help us identify the exact information you require. It will also mean that your request is less likely to be turned down on cost grounds. Make sure that you:
- are specific about exactly what information you want
- provide us with a narrow, tightly focused request
- give, where appropriate, a relevant time frame the information relates to
You should state how you wish to receive the information, by letter or by email.
Please note that we cannot accept FOI requests over the phone. FOI requests from anonymous / pseudonymous requesters, that is people who do not give their names or give false names, may not be accepted.
We will deal with your request as quickly as we can and will aim to let you have a response within 20 working days. If for any reason we are unable to let you have a response within 20 working days we will contact you as soon as possible explaining the reason for this.
Some information held by us may be subject to Environmental Information Regulations (EIRs).
‘Environmental information’ covers a wide range of topics, which relate to or affect the environment. Applications for information can be made by anyone, anywhere in the world.
The Information Commissioner’s Office, which supervises both the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998, also supervises the operation of the EIRs.
Environmental Information Regulations 2004
If you wish to make a request for environmental information under EIR please contact the same address as for Freedom of Information requests either by sending an email to records@royalparks.org.uk or via the online enquiries form writing ‘Environmental Information request’ in the heading.
Please provide as much detail as possible to help identify the information sought. Subject to the exceptions provided for in the Act we seek to provide the information within 20 working days of receiving the request.
The Royal Parks is a registered charity and not a government department or government body and therefore not subject to Crown Copyright rules and regulations. While the information is viewable on our website free of charge, copyright is claimed on materials, publications and photographs. Unauthorised reproduction and secondary use of material on the website is restricted under copyright law.